Thursday 28 January 2010

The General's Medals

Yesterday I met with Scott Allen. Scott is the RCMP Liaison Officer at the Canadian High Commission in London. Scott brought up the paperwork for me to sign over General Patrick Robertson-Ross's medals to the RCMP museum in Edmonton in perpetuity.

The medals are already at the museum. I first lent them in about 1998, on the understanding that it was as a 10 year loan. I've moved house twice since the loan was made, and in my usual disorganised way never got round to letting the Mounties know. When we finally managed to get in touch with each other, it turned out that they no longer accept loans.

I didn't really want to display them in my house; I'd hate to think of them being stolen, and there's no point locking them away in bank, so I formally donated them to the museum in perpetuity. I think my Dad would have been pleased.